Located far WEST in Europe, it has a big coastline, lots of sailors with experience in Atlantic Ocean . ... He sponsored voyages along western coast of Africa - hoped to find Christians, learn about geography and find gold and route to Orient.
There are <em><u>3 or 5 </u></em>climate zones in Central America.
Since southern seaports were closer to the West Indies (where British troops were stationed), the capture of Southern ports would allow their troops to move back and forth between the two regions.
There are actually a lot of proof of how Einstein lead many people to question the nature of reality. Einstein knows how people loves to ask. Most of the people are curious about on what is going on in their life. Einstein was not just a scientist, Einstein was actually a philosopher too.
Aristocrats wanted to retain their power and wealth by taxing the people and the philosophers wanted to establish democracies that would give more power and wealth to the people. Basically the condition of the life of the people was so bad compared to the decadence of the aristocrats that revolution was inevitable.