Its productive power was unmatched. This dominance ... Why Europe ruled the World .... So why did Europe achieve economic dominance? ..... ii) Germany did not have colonies, but did industrialise and become powerful.Trade was the driving force in making Europe into the dominant world power.Europe has been a backwater. Only around 500BC did Europe's southern fringe become an important part of the world,
Answer:Rich DeVos and Hay Van Andel
Explanation: Ja-Ri was incorporated in 1959 and changed its name
The 4-2-1 problem surrounding the one-child policy means that only children will have to bear the responsibility of supporting both of their parents and, sometimes, all four of their grandparents in their old age, as they cannot rely on siblings to help them care for their aging family.
Deer Creek is an important site because it provides evidence that trades occurred between a French in the Wichita in Oklahoma territory hundreds of years ago. archaeologist found Buffalo remains and scraping tools in the middens of trash heaps all the site as well as European manufacturer items such as beads,kettles,metal tools and gun parts based on these artifacts archaeologists believe that the site was used for meat processing.
There was anger over the Alien and Sedition acts, Hamilton wanted to pay off 80% of the war debt, and the interposition of state authority over federal law were some sectional issues they faced. They could not agree.