Confucio desarrolló una filosofía política que reflejaba su horror ante la guerra constante que lo rodeaba.
Deambuló de reino en reino, tratando de persuadir a los gobernantes para que siguieran sus enseñanzas, pero nunca logró nada más que un puesto público de bajo escalafón.
Sin embargo, sí consiguió un grupo devoto de seguidores, que transmitió sus enseñanzas a las generaciones posteriores.
The National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) opposed the Fifteenth Amendment, while the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA) supported the new law. ... The pair believed that instead of supporting the Fifteenth Amendment as it was, women's rights activists should fight for women to be included as well.
All bills for raising revenue, or appropriating money, shall originate
Mootness seeks to prevent the plaintiff to assert the claim too late when the plaintiff has no longer a personal stake in the outcome because change of circumstances. Ripeness arises when a plaintiff suit is premature because the plaintiff's injury has not yet occurred, it is speculative or may never occur.
I am pretty sure it's B. good luck fam.