Has to be one lol I don’t know but I can recommend a tutor
Answer: ecosystem
An ecosystem is a community involving several groups of organisms co-existing in the same place.it involves the interaction between the community and it's non living environment.in this Georgia backyard,the bees,lizard ,works etc are the biotic or living part of the ecosystem that co-exist together
Interesting biology question.
In order to answer this question, I hope you understand what is mitosis: cell division that creates two diploid "daughter" cells that are identical to each other. Gametes, remember, are the reproductive cells (egg cells and sperm).
If human gametes were made by mitosis, which is not true, because gametes are made in meiosis, they would simply be diploid with somatic cells. The two gametes would have 92 chromosomes, as each cell has 46 chromosomes. And after each generation, the number of chromosomes would keep doubling, which would be very weird. Remember that the normal amount of chromosomes that a human being has, is 46. Maybe humans would have mutations if that happened.
It produces a clear smooth liquid that combines with sperm to create semen
Bacteria to amphibians. amphibians started to turn to fish and some started walking to land. They started laying eggs and turning into reptiles. those reptiles started growing hair turning them into four legged mammals. the mammals then turned to primates which evolved into us.