By the 1820s, the controversy surrounding the Missouri Compromise had quieted down considerably, but was revived by a series of events near the end of the decade. Serious debates over abolition took place in the Virginia legislature in 1829 and 1831. In the North discussion began about the possibility of freeing the slaves and then resettling them back in Africa (a proposal that led to the founding of Liberia). Agitation increased with the publication of David Walker's Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World in 1829, Nat Turner's slave rebellion in 1831, and Andrew Jackson's handling of the nullification crisis that same year. According to Louis Ruchame, "The Turner rebellion was only one of about 200 slave uprisings between 1776 and 1860, but it was one of the bloodiest, and thus struck fear in the hearts of many white southerners. Nat Turner and more than 70 enslaved and free blacks spontaneously launched a rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia, in August 1831. They moved from farm to farm, indiscriminately killing whites along the way and picking up additional slaves. By the time the militia put down the insurrection, more than 80 slaves had joined the rebellion, and 60 whites lay dead. While the uprising led some southerners to consider abolition, the reaction in all southern states was to tighten the laws governing slave behavior
They didn't see it as imperialism, they genuinely believed others were "inferior", so I'd say national pride
what I just wrote
9/11 is a date that in the mind of the Chileans brings the memory of when their country lost the democracy and got a military dictator as its leader. On September 9 1973, in the third year of the rule of Allende, a democratically elected president, bellowed by the majority of the people, was overthrown with force by CIA and Pinochet. The reason why Allende was overthrown was ironically enough because he was a very good president and person. He restructured the country, and gave his best to help the poor, by increasing the wages, improving the working condition, providing them with medical care, opening new jobs. He also nationalized the natural resources of the country, and that is what angered the USA, so CIA got involved and organized a coup in alliance with Pinochet. Unfortunately, CIA and Pinochet managed to achieve their goal, and pushed the Chileans in two decades of terror and misery.
The words to make the sentences true is Stamp Quartering Act Smuggling.
A sentence is the basic unit of language that expresses a complete idea. This is done by following the grammatical principles of syntax. Example: "The ants are leaving". A complete sentence has at least one subject and one main verb to express (describe) the complete idea. Short example: She leaves.
There are four types of sentences: simple sentences, compound sentences, compound sentences, and compound sentences. There are four types of sentences: simple sentences, compound sentences, compound sentences, and compound sentences. Each sentence is defined using independent and dependent clauses, conjunctions, and dependent clauses.
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Japan and the United States of America’s we’re involved in the Japanese attack