Baroque was all about being highly ornate, flamboyant, over the top, and other similar notions. In music, one of the greatest achievements was the development of tonality which was about composing music in a certain key, which is a feature that is still used nowadays in most songs. New instrumental ways of performing were developed as well as well as huge performances with numerous people participating.
In art, baroque painters wanted to separate themselves from the renaissance artists and focused on using warm colors with great depth and dramatic scenes with dark and light often clashing. They cared about dramatic moments and not just about random daily activities or about events that preceded those great moments.
When it comes to science, Baroque just further expanded on the ideas that were related to renaissance. Scientists from the Age of Baroque were responsible for the scientific revolution. These people were famous scientists who often clashed with the church like Galileo, Copernicus, Descartes, and numerous others.
When it comes to church, Baroque was really important. Unlike the previous renaissance period when the church lost some of its power, in baroque the church flourished because they encouraged baroque as an opposition to the austerity of the protestant church and its beliefs. The Catholic church supported baroque artists because they created in grandeur that was befitting of the catholic church.
The philosophy of the Baroque era was not precisely related to Baroque itself since it was primarily an art movement, so they are mostly referred to as philosophers of the 17th century instead of baroque philosophy. In regards to what they dealt with, they were mostly a bridge between enlightenment, renaissance, and later romantic philosophy tendencies.
Politically, Baroque was a way of showing your class and your social status. Since it was all about grandeur and presentation, the nobles and Kings of various countries enjoyed baroque as it enabled them to fully become absolutists and become larger than life. Although there were wars and conquering and similar, most recognized people from the area are people like Louis XIV of France, also known as the Sun King who was basically treated in France like a god.
The first missions in Texas were mostly of Spanish descent. They were sent by the Roman Catholic Church in spreading the gospel of Christianity.
Some were protected and given enough food and shelter during their stay however the challenges most faced was their enslavement and contracting of diseases in the State.
A political party is an organized group of people seeking or using political power, for example, by participating in democratic elections. Parties are often nationwide, but they can also operate only in one area of a country, or seek power in unions between countries.
Parties often have a special ideology, but can also represent a coalition between various interests. The will or ideology of the party is summarized in a party program that possible voters can review. In many cases, similar parties exist in different countries, which want to achieve the same goals in each country, and they can sometimes join forces in cross-border cooperation. There are also parties with similar ideologies and goals that do not cooperate, but compete with each other.
Difference is vital for most political parties: they must differ at least some points from other parties in order to win elections. Extreme party supporters sometimes use force to carry their ideologies.
American politics is totally dominated by two parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, at both state and national levels. The Democrats are considered a center-left party and the Republicans a center-right party. It is very uncommon for an independent candidate or other party to be elected to any post, other than at the local level.
It was perjury and then OOJ (Obstruction of Justice).
Your answer is A.