South Africa held its first elections that included people of all color
Aging populations
The industrialized countries are facing a big demographic problem in the past few decades. The problem is the aging population. The living conditions in this countries are the best in the world, so they have high life expectancy, and while that is good, a problem occurs because the birthrates are very low. The birthrates are so low that they can not even simply sustain the same number of the population. This situation leads to fewer and fewer young people, and more and more elderly people, so the population pyramid is becoming wider at the top and narrower at the bottom.
They started the settlement on the island of Hispaniola.
Columbus was the first explorer they sponsored.
They discovered the Mississippi River, San Salvador, and the Pacific Ocean.
Rations, and limited supply. Nearly every single of the citizens living within the USA during the war had most of their goods shipped away to soldiers on the front. Every day appliances sometimes were even scrapped for metal, being used for tanks and guns. Hoped this helped (: