The last one
From behind the trees
C is your answer.
Connotations are defined as a commonly understood cultural or emotional association that some word or phrase carries, in addition to its explicit or literal meaning. The actual meaning of the word is the denotation.
In "The feather pillow" by Horacio Quiroga when the parasites don't have a human to feed on they usually are small, they are parasites of feathered creatures. This parasite, in particular, has been feeding on Alicia's blood, that is why it became so monstrous. We learn about this in the last parragraph of the story.
Definition: A spiritual communion with God or an object of worship
Sentence: I thank you for it, and pray that God will bless you.
Kayaking off the coast of Oahu was my greatest adventure because I conquered my fear and saw things that I could never see from my life on the shore.
Choose based on what your audience wants to read about.