Ain’t is in fact a word. Tell her to look it up in the marium Webster dictionary. It’s a contraction for; am not, are not, or is not.
Sweaty pig feet are so good so yummy
1He was afraid that his revolutionary proposals would meet with strong opposition from hardliners.
2The Chinese factories were operating non stop churning out shoes to meet the demand in Europe and the US.
3With only 200 dollars a month, the family struggled to make ends meet
I would go with C. Because the narrator is talking. The narrator want to have a lesson badly on water-reading. But Mr. Bixby thinks the narrator is far to advanced for it and will not teach her it. So Mr. Bixby is being stubborn and will not give the lesson.
In the first stanza the two things that are being compared are a pall like silence and the crowd at the game
Then again I am probably wrong so choose another answer if their is one.