J'aimerais être un peu plus musclé.
J'aimerais être un peu plus fort.
J'aimerais être un peu plus courageux.
J'aimerai être un peu plus travailleur.
J'aimerai être un peu plus dynamique.
J'aimerai être un peu plus beau.
J'aimerai être un peu moins égoïste.
J'aimerai être un peu moins grand.
J'aimerai être un peu moins bavard.
J'aimerai être un peu moins discret.
J'aimerai être un peu moins nerveux.
<span>I would be a little more muscular.
I would be a bit stronger.
I would be a little more courageous.
I would like to be a bit more worker.
I would like to be a little more dynamic.
I would like to be a little more beautiful.
I would like to be a little less selfish.
I would like to be a little smaller.
I would like to be a little less talkative.
I would like to be a little less <span>discreet.</span></span>
Tu aperçois la boîte aux lettres devant la mairie.
Nous ne voyons pas le distributeur automatique.
Je crois que la poste se trouve en face du commissariat de police.
Vous ne voyez pas que la banque est fermée?
On croit que vous pouvez payer par chèque au bureau de poste.
Appoline et Fouad ne reçoivent pas les e-mails de l'association des lycéens .
Le marchand de journaux ne voit pas les pièces de monnaie.
Tu crois que la laverie est ouverte le dimanche?
The direct result of the Dahlonega Gold Rush was the arrival of settlers prompting the removal of Cherokee and Creek Indians from Georgia.
<h3>What is the gold rush?</h3>
The gold rush is a term that refers to the consequences of the discovery of a gold mine in the United States. In general, the gold rush occurred in different parts of the United States during the 19th and 20th centuries, with settlers migrating to places where there were gold mines to earn a profit from the sale of gold extracted from the land. .
<h3>What Caused the Dahlonega Gold Rush?</h3>
The Dahlonega Gold Rush is the name given to the subsequent discovery of gold mining in the Dahlonega, Georgia region. Typically, once these gold mines were discovered, the Cherokee and Creek Indians were evicted because the deposits were on Indian land.
This massive displacement contributed to the exile of the indigenous people to the western part of the country and is related to the events known as the trail of tears. Based on the foregoing, it can be inferred that the main cause of the Georgia gold rush was the displacement of indigenous people due to the arrival of settlers in the area.
Learn more about Gold Rush in: brainly.com/question/6956548
Les touristes canadiens arrivent du Canada. The answer is Du
D'une part, ... D'autre part... = "On the one hand..., on the other hand...", while D'un côté... De l'autre côté... = "On the one side..., on the other side..."
While "D'une part, ... D'autre part..." is generally used when debating the merits of something, whereas "D'un côté... De l'autre côté..." is more typically used for expressing two different perspectives.