history allows us to observe and understand how people and societies behaved. like an example, we are able to evaluate war, even when a nation is at peace, by looking back at previous events. History provides us with the data that is used to create laws, or theories about various aspects of society.
Hermine "Miep" Gies (née Santrouschitz; 15 February 1909 – 11 January 2010) (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈmip ˈxis]), was one of the Dutch citizens who hid Anne Frank, her family (Otto Frank, Margot Frank, Edith Frank-Holländer) and four other Dutch Jews (Fritz Pfeffer, Hermann van Pels, Auguste van Pels, Peter van Pels) ...
A, The ongoing conflict in Iraq caused both candidates to turn away from President Bush.
President Bush's war in Iraq wasn't popular when the election of 2008 was coming up. Many people were disapproving of President Bush. While McCain wanted to see the war come to a victory, he still distanced himself from President Bush.
In 1830, he signed the Indian Removal Act, which gave the federal government the power to exchange Native-held land in the cotton kingdom east of the Mississippi for land to the west, in the “Indian colonization zone” that the United States had acquired as part of the Louisiana Purchase.
It was Grenada.
Grenada has obtained independence in 1974 and in 1979 a leftist government took power after a coup. The invasion of Grenada removed this leftist group from the government.
Soon after the invasion, Grenada had democratic elections