Answer: People used available natural resources to make ceramics, clothing, and crafts.
A psychiatrist is known as a physician which specializes in mental issues and ailments. They are found in most psychiatric homes and prescribe drugs for use by mentally ill people.
A clinical psychologist sounds familiar but isn’t concerned and trained with prescription of drugs . He is more involved in the use of psychotherapy to help the patients get better. This however makes a psychiatrist the right choice.
Motor neurons- Ashley's motor neurons allow her to press the gas pedal in her car.
Retinal disparity- Ashley uses the difference between the images on her two retinas to judge the distance between her car and the car in front of her.
Heuristic- When Ashley got lost, she decided to call her parents for help.
Procedural memory- Because she has been driving for several years, Ashley can steer and control the speed of her car.
Circadian rhythms- Because she has to cross different time zones, Ashley will have to drive when she would normally be asleep, putting her at risk for an accident.
Inattentional blindness- Because she wasn't paying attention, Ashley didn't see the car in front of her, and she rear- ended it.