Thank you for posting your question here. It can be considered to be consistent with the given facts. As you know, an hypothesis, much less a theory, is never proven. It can be shown to be consistent with given observations. As new observations are collected, the given hypothesis may have to be modified.
If the celery became crisp when it was soaked in ice water, then clearly that the water has rehydrated the celery is a reasonable hypothesis. But did it have to be ice cold water? Would room temperature water work? What about boiling water?
And thus most of the time, the success of an hypothesis leads to the design of new experiments to test and expand the original hypothesis.
The unit of measure which should be used to describe the size of the galactic body mentioned in the question is
Astronomical Units.
Trying to measure the size of planets in Kilometers and Miles is futile as the numbers are too enormous.
Astrologists have invented metrics which keep it simple and one Astronomical Unit is equal to 149,597,871 kilometers (92,955 miles).
Criterion based evaluation is the answer you’re looking for! - Unless you are competing or debating with someone else, most evaluators are using criterion based evaluation. I hope this helps you! : )
<span>In the context of operant conditioning,</span>a Continuous Reinforcement Schedule <span>is one in which a behavior is reinforced every single time it occurs.
</span>This schedule is best used during
the first stages of learning in order to create a really strong association
between the behavior and the response.