The Compromise of 1850 included the Fugitive Slave Act, which became largely disputed within the northern free states. The Fugitive Slave Act stipulated that citizens of free states were required to return slaves found in the North. ... After the Act was passed many African Americans in the North fled to Canada.
Advances in technology increased taxes on business
John Winthrop helped changed the Government of Massachusetts with moderation. Massachusetts was a very conservative and religious colony at the time. But he was popular because he governed with "modern sensibilities." He fought against very conservative figures as well as very liberal figures in the colony.
pyramid :dead bodies are being kept in pyramid.
papyrus:papyrus is a type of a paper.
canals:the canal is opening to shipping.
dams:a dam is under construction.
mummification:the Egyptian did not stop at mummification of the human body.
metallurgy:he studied metallurgy as a mature student