Irène: "<em>Pour mes vacances, je suis allée au Canada pendant vingt jours."</em>
Berthe : "<em>Quand tes vacances ont elles commencé ?"</em>
le mois dernier
Promène-toi dans les parcs pour te divertir.
Aux Etats-Unis, un garçon qui a sept ans va _à l'__ école primaire.
<span>Use a possessive adjective in French to say that these things are our things.
14. Voila mon père
15. Voila mes parents
16. Voila notre père
Use a possessive adjective in French to say that these things are your (plural) things.
17. Voila nos mères
18. Voila vos frères
Use a possessive adjective in French to say that these things are their things.
19. Voila leur père.
20. Voila leurs tantes </span>
Bonjour! Or Hello!
Here in France you learn quite an amount for the career of Culinary Art, especially in France. Not only do you learn new techniques, ways, foods, services, and manners but also some unique tastes of flavours and new inspirations.
I for one has learned quite an amount, the ways and inspirations of many French Bakers and Cooks has taught and inspired may different and unique dishes.