Nephrotic syndrome (also called nephrosis) happens when your kidneys start losing large amounts of protein in your urine. As your kidneys get worse, extra fluids and salt build up in your body. This causes you to have swelling (edema), high blood pressure and higher levels of cholesterol.
The main reason for the difference in the mass extinction occurring today and previously is the pace of the current extinction. The extinction is taking place globally and involves hundreds of species at the same time. In less than 50 years, we have lost numerous species. In contrast to this, previously during the mass extinction, only a few species were lost, and other managed to survive. But, not the status is opposite due to the magnitude of the extinction.
Thank You So muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
It is hard for soil to become fertile when it can not get water from the rain, and high temperatures would cause any water the soil does get to evaporate.