D. Limited Partnership
Sole proprietorship is business owned , run & managed by single owner. Partnership is a business owned , run & managed by small group of people - deciding to share its profits .
Entrepreneurs in these have Unlimited Liability on personal assets, in case business assets are insufficient to settle business liabilities .
Corporation is a separate legal entity, distinct from its huge group of owners , guided by a board of directors. In case of any claim / sue case : it is against corporate entity & not the people, so they don't have any unlimited liability risk on personal assets to fulfil company's claims .
Gasoline is a normal good
Normal goods are goods that are goods whose demand increases when income increases and falls when income falls
Inferior goods are goods whose demand falls when income rises and increases when income falls.
Because the demand for gasoline falls when income falls, gasoline is a normal good.
I hope my answer helps you
B. Raw Materials
Raw materials are the basic components of manufacturing and production process in a goods manufacturing entity. Raw Materials are used in the production of a finished products (such as Crude
Oil is a raw material for Petrol, Milk is a raw material for Yogurt, Yarn is a raw material for Garment whereas Petrol, Yogurt and Garment are the finished products).
Keeping in view the above discussion, the leather purchased by the Tamara, to be used on some of the furniture to be manufactured by the Everything New, shall be classified as Raw Materials.
Answer is B. Raw Materials
A price floor is the mining price that can be charged for an item. A binding price floor is a price set above market average pricing. Since the government regulates this and will not let them sell below the average market price, the price is set in stone for the products price in the market.
<span>$11,320 with its interest rate over the year will be $13659.84. If Francine paid $436 each month for a year he would have paid off $5232 in a year. His debt balance would still be remanding at $8427.84. Francine will have paid off a large amount of his payment plan with the company however he will still be required to spend 18 months or so to pay back what he owes as there was a a 20.67% interest sum added to his payment plan with the company.</span>