B. Provides a way to influence the court when expert testimony is not allowed
Amicus Curiae briefs are filed by the people who have interest in the subject matter of the lawsuit but they are not party to the litigation. Amicus curae means "friend of the court" briefs. It helps to provide sympathetic advocate to address policy issues and expand the effects of a potentially important prior court opinion
Filing of amicus brief signals the court that the case is important and related to many issues apart form the litigants interests. e.g An amicus curae about public health speaks a lot about the health significance of the policies at stake.
If you are deaf and communicate with sign language:
You may request that PennDOT provide an interpreter for the Knowledge and/or Road Test
It is the responsibility of public institutions to provide an interpreter if a deaf person must communicate with sign language. However, it seems that payment for the service must be borne by the person requesting for the service. The request must be placed two weeks in advance to ensure that necessary arrangements are made for the purpose. Only certified and registered sign language interpreters are allowed for the Knowledge and/or Road Test.
Create an improvised 3-5-minute performance using
Impressionist/Expressionist music in other art forms and media. After you
finish your work, e-mail your video to your teacher together with your
reflection journal.
Choose only ONE of the following:
• Product endorsement/ commercial shoot
• Visual arts/painting/sand art through listening activity
Claire De Lune (Sand Art)
1. What style of 20th century music did you choose from the video? Why?
2. Were the emotions true to you as character?
3. What was your all overall opinion of applying
impressionist/expressionist music ijn other forms of arts or media?
4. Enumerate the problems you encountered while in the process of
creating the video.
Following the end of the 60-day suspension, a new six-month probationary period will begin. If you are found guilty of one of the above violations or any two traffic violations during this second probationary period, your license will be revoked for at least six months.
A momentum is the product of the mass and velocity of an object. It possesses a magnitude and a direction.