Quality of service (QOS).
In recent computer networking, the convergence of voice, video and text data packet has been made possible. There is no need for a dedicated network for a particular type of packet.
QOS or quality of set is a service rendered to voice or audio packets in VoIP phones to enhance communication.
The email is a digital mailing system that can be used to send all three packets. It enjoys the QOS as voice packets. It is given high preference for transmission and uses the TCP protocol to transmit data reliably.
Answer: packets
Network navigation devices, such as routers, help data travel in bundles that are referred to as packets. As, networks that transfer the data in small packets are known as packet switching network and that packets carry the data using the internet and the protocol and each of the packet contain some information and data to navigate.
See the attached picture.
See the attached picture.
Two advantages of the agile methods are:
- The agile method require less documentation process as compared to waterfall model and saves maximum time and money. It basically reduces the efforts and the amount of work.
- In agile method, there is always high customer satisfaction present. In agile method, it is easy to modify in the data as compared to the waterfall model. The customers and developers always interact with each other as the interaction is very important for the good results in the project.
Two disadvantages of the agile methods are:
- For the large and complex projects, sometimes it is difficult to determine the requirements in the software development as projects are easily go off track.
- There is less predictability and the projects are easily messed up if the projects requirement are not clear by the customer end.