C. Typing 210 words in 5 minutes.
42 words per minute is equivalent to 210 words in minutes:
Write the 42 wpm and 210 words in 5 mins as a ratio:
42 : 1 and 210 : 5
Multiply both sides in the ratio 42 : 1 by 5:
42 x 5 = 210
1 x 5 = 5
= 210 : 5
Therefore 210 words in 5 mins is an example of the unit rate 42 wom because it is equivalent.
Hope this helps!
(Brainliest pls, tysm!)
Step-by-step explanation:
If they sell the same amount next year and want to reach $1,500, they must higher the price. to do that, they can divide the $1500 by the number of agendas. Do the math yourself, its not very hard.