McCulloch v. Maryland
On March 6, 1819, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in McCulloch v. Maryland that Congress had the authority to establish a federal bank, and that the financial institution could not be taxed by the states.
Though Sputnik was a relatively simple satellite compared with the more complex machines to follow, its beeping signal from space galvanized the United States to enact reforms in science and engineering education so that the nation could regain technological ground it appeared to have lost to its Soviet rival.
The Salem witch trials occurred in colonial Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693. More than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft—the Devil's magic—and 20 were executed.
Women were allowed to work in factories and farms in the 1800's they were allowed to have jobs only they were on a low-paid, they were paid a whole lot less than the men were.
D. The tribune could veto the magistrates' orders.
Initially, the tribunes protected individual plebeians from the arbitrariness of the magistrates. Gradually, a rather large power grown out of this right. Since 449, a person of tribune became inviolable, and his house had the right of asylum. The tribune could veto (ban) decisions of magistrates and the Senate (intercession law). Gradually, he became, as it were, the custodian of an agreement between the estates, and as such could take measures against uta violators (arrest, fine, etc.).