The correct answer is False.
This statement is false, since the residual theory of dividends argues that these are irrelevant, that is, that the value of the company is not affected by its dividend policy. The main drivers of this theory are Modigliani and Miller. Both authors affirm that the value of the company is determined solely by the profitability and the degree of risk of its assets (investments), and that the way in which the organization divides its income between dividends and reinvestment does not have a direct effect on its value .
However, some studies show that significant changes in dividends affect the price of shares in the same direction, that is, increases in dividends translate into increases in stock prices, and vice versa. In response, M and M propose that the positive effects of dividend increases be attributed, not to the dividend itself, but to the informational content of dividends with respect to future income. Thus, any increase in dividends would cause investors to raise the price of the shares, while a decrease would cause a corresponding decrease in the price of the shares.
The college student loan burden is second only to mortgages in consumer debt In the United States. The government estimates that some 41 million students together owe more than $1.2 trillion. In North Carolina, what is the relationship between student loan debt and the tuition/fees that the students pay? After obtaining data for 14 four-year universities in the State University System of North Carolina (data for Elizabeth City State University and Winston Salem State University were not available), suppose we assume a simple linear modelyi= β0+ β1xi+ εito describe this relationship, where xi is the academic year tuition/fees at school In i
and yi is the average student loan debt of graduates of school i, i = 1, ..., 14. Shown below are summary statistics for the 14 schools.
NB: please check the attached document for complete work.
D. a statistic.
A statistic is a single quantity contained in or computed from a set of data. Unlike a parameter (a characteristic of a population) a statistic is a characteristic or measure of a sample.
A statistic is a characteristic of a sample. Generally, a statistic is used to estimate the value of a population parameter.
According to my opinion, what the agent did wrong is that he asked him to write the answers of the questions two more times because when we write again and again the same thing our handwriting changes.And what the agent did right is that he influenced him to compose all that he says as he directs the data to the suspect because in this way they can see whether the handwriting matches it or not.