The waters of the Gulf of Mexico looks brown because of the sediments coming from nearby rivers. It is basically an ocean basin, so it receives waters from different bodies of water. These sediments come from decayed matter like rocks, aquatic plants and wastes from aquatic organisms. It can harm freshwater fishes but some plants could thrive in that condition. As for humans, it is not safe to drink the water with high turbidity. The water is deemed not potable because it might contain harmful bacteria that could lead to digestive diseases.
<h2>Lysoso<em>mes.Lysosomes can be thought of as the waste management system of a cell. These are the organelles that break down dead cell components, food, and foreign matter, such as viruses and bacteria.</em></h2>
The human movement is 4
exercises that use body weight is 5
contracting muscle is 12
holding a contraction is 8
decreasing the angle is 6
strengthening is 3
increasing is 7
lengthening of a muscle is 10
maximum amount of force is 1
isolating muscles is 15
undesirable movements is 14
shortening muscles is 9
sustained contraction is 2
opposing action is 13
increasing the weight is 16
The more obese someone is the weaker they become. They are more likely to have high blood pressure, blood clots, their immune system starts shutting down, they're always tired, breathing issues and so much more.