The answer is option B.
The expression ''grapes of fierceness'' is a scriptural implication, or reference, to the Book of Revelation, section 14:19-20, which peruses, ''So the blessed messenger swung his sickle to the earth and accumulated the bunches from the vine of the earth, and tossed them into the extraordinary wine press of the anger of God.''They considered Steinbeck a socialist. Entrepreneurs and landowners railed against the novel's advancement of work unionization, dreadful of the impact it would have on the specialists under their utilize. How about we take a gander at a few reasons John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath was prohibited, tested, and consumed over the country.The title is taken from The Battle Hymn of the Republic by Julia Howe as found in these sections: Mine eyes have seen the happening to the greatness of the Lord, He is stomping on the vintage where the grapes of rage are put away.
#8 The answer is Dreary Because the context infers that it is sad and very down where she is at
#9 It is Mostly used to describe as an illness because it is referring to getting sick and getting sick is very unfortunate and brief for some cases<span />
a) Introduce a topic
b) State a thesis
II. Body. Paragraph-1
a) Write a topic sentence (the argument for your thesis)
b) Support this argument: data, facts, examples
c) Explain how they relate to your thesis
III. Body. Paragraph-2
a) Write a topic sentence (another argument for your thesis)
b) Support this argument: data, facts, examples
c) Explain how they relate to your thesis
IV. Body. Paragraph-3
a) Write a topic sentence (another argument for your thesis, or a counterargument)
b) Support this argument, or explain why the counterargument doesn’t work: data, facts, examples
c) Explain how they relate to your thesis
V. Conclusion
a) Summarize all main points
b) Restate your thesis
c) Add a call to action: what you want readers to do after reading your essay
Ahem, well the audience will be towards kids. Kids love pets, we know they love pets, who doesn't love pets. You know what they love the most? Puppies. & Do you know who they bug about getting a puppy? Their parent. You target the children, that's who your audience is. Now for the two paragraphs...(maybe)
Dogs, I believe are an essential part of a human's life. They can bring comfort, protection, happiness into one's life. They can be used for jobs. What kind of jobs you're asking yourself, well you've asking the wrong person. Ask me instead, they can be used as a service dog, they can get the sheep together, they can even be provided for therapy. Taking care of a dog is a HUGE responsibility and should be taken very seriously. They need to be fed the right type of food. Depending on what type of breed they are of course. They need to be taken on walks, taken to the vet for a check out, cut their nails. They're basically a child, but better.