They are found in the center of the osteon within a long opening called the Haversian canal.
Anterior Pituitary or adenohypophysis has two parts: pars distalis and pars intermedia..though they are kinda joined in humans.
•Pars distalis (actuallyknown as the anterior pituitary) secretes hormones like Growth Hormone or Somatotrophin, Prolactin, TSH, ACTH,LH,FSH.
•Pars intermedia secretes only one hormone MSH (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone)
•Posterior pituitary or Neurohypophysis stores two hormones (originally secreted by the hypothalamus) which are Oxytocin and Vasopressin or ADH.
Cheers..dont forget to deem this answer as a brainy answer :)
I hope this helps you very much you’re welcome !
primary phagocytic cells type that fights infection