To avoid Hyper-oxygenation
Crucian carp have the ability to increase gill surface to maximize oxygen intake, or reduce overall area when under specif circumstances. If the fish does not need so much oxygen it will cover the protruding lamellae to reduce oxygen intake and avoid Hyper-oxygenation.
The villagers can grow more crops because they are having the facilities of electricity, well developed system of irrigation etc.. Initially the tube wells were installed by the government later many private tube wells were also installed. All the farmers in the village grow more than one crop. Many grow potato as the third crop in their field
Lincoln's election was seen as the last straw to the Southerners about their place in the union. This led to the process of secession a short time later, also leading to the eventual Civil War.
1st rule dont ask brainly
Answer:selection, optimization and compensation characteristics
Selection refers to how a person manages to focus their energy on just those goals that are crucial .
Optimization refers to taking focused actions and time in order to actual achieve those goals , grabbing opportunity in the right time and being persistent towards achieving those particular goals using your existing skills or working towards achieving new skills.
Compensation means one is able to carry on and find ways to carry on eventhough they might have had some things that they have lost , they find way to make up for those losses ; compensate for them.
As a result some people as they get older will find means to compensate for the advantages brought by aging in order for them to continue living their life and fulfilling certain things still.
The will select what they can still do and optimize their opportunity.