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Intuitive decision making
Intuitive decision making is a kind of decision making method that uses the least rationality and is usually based on past experiences. It is more of unconscious decision making and works outside of conscious thoughts, however it doesn't always contradict rational decision but can somehow complement it. Albeit influenced by emotions, experience has shown intuitive decision making works most of the time. It does not however eliminate the need of rational decision making.
Part of the separate spheres ideology, the "Cult of Domesticity" identified the home as women's "proper sphere". Women were supposed to inhabit the private sphere, running the household and production of food (including servants), rearing the children, and taking care of the husband.
The reason for all 3 is B. religious freedom.
It lowered them, they didn't have rights, they were raped and beat, for simple mistakes, like not covering there eyes well, or wearing colorful clothings:(