The main characteristics of the rebirth are:
- View of man as the center of the universes and the main element of the history of humanity.
- Importance of science and the use of rationality.
- The search for knowledge in the most diverse areas.
- Valorization of the Greco-Roman artistic aesthetic.
- Valuation of optimism.
- Valuing individualism.
- Enhancement of sensory pleasures.
The Renaissance was an artistic, cultural, scientific and philosophical movement that took place across Europe, beginning in Italy in the 15th and 16th centuries. This movement started with the advent of humanism that changed the whole theocentric view adopted at that time, placing Man as the center of the universe, in the place of deities, mysticism and religions. This influenced the existence of this whole movement that had as its main characteristics:
- View of man as the center of the universes and the main element of the history of humanity.
- Importance of science and the use of rationality.
- The search for knowledge in the most diverse areas.
- Valorization of the Greco-Roman artistic aesthetic.
- Valuation of optimism.
- Valuing individualism.
- Enhancement of sensory pleasures.
(B) His teacher's knowledge and skill in classroom management
From the moment the teacher realizes that the student has learning difficulties and ease of distraction, the problem also becomes the teacher's.
When the teacher detects a student with this kind of difficulty, the teacher needs to devise strategies to help the student overcome these negatives. Therefore, the teacher must use all his knowledge and skill to create classroom management that engages the student and makes learning enjoyable and easy.
For this reason, if Carson was able to overcome his problems of learning disability and concentration and ease of distraction, much of this overcoming was made possible by his teacher's knowledge and skill in classroom management.
They were furious with political reform.
b. Choice of law clause.
Marshall should include a choice of law clause. This clause will allow him choose the law that would apply in any dispute that may arise. A choice of law clause is a term in contract which allows the parties in the contract to specify the law of the jurisdiction that will apply in case of any dispute.
4. swing vote; the deciding vote