A. development of automobiles with lower nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbon emissions.
This act implements a comprehensive program to reduce air pollution to protect human health and environment, the amends made in 1990 focused on problems of acid rain, ozone depletion, and toxic air pollution, they established new auto gasoline reformulation requirements and set the Reid vapor pressure standards to control evaporative emissions from gasoline.
At first, Christians were considered pagans and suferred persecutionwithin the Roman Empire, where they remained loyal to their politeistic cult.
This was the situation until the arrival of Emperor Constantine the Great to power, who ruled between the years 306 and 337 AD. He was the first emperor that converted to the Christian faith, almost in his deathbed. However, he had previously influenced the enactment of the Edict of Milan in 313, that implemented religious tolerance and the end of persecutions of Christians within the borders of the Empire.
This quotation shows the different view point between Jeannette's and her mother on materialism, from the book, The Glass Castle
From the quotation we can safely say that Jeannette's mother is not materialistic in nature, hence she makes Jeannette understand that she do not need money for true happiness.