Utopia is a place where everyrthing is always great. Dystopia is a place where eveerything is broken and there is diease. The difference is that they are total opposits. In a utopia there is peace, love, and friendlyness there is also no war and is the ultimate place to be. Dystopia is a place where there is war, rage, disease. Some things they have in common is that they are both fictional. An exmple of a would be a disney movie while a Distopia would be something like the Hunger games or Divergent. Basicly any sci fi movie ever is Dystopia, while Utopia can be fairytales. Hope this helped a little :)
Leisure provides context for experimenting with <span>one's identity
</span>The capability to <span> identity symbols shows a development in our cognitive skills. Which emans that we are now capable to be involved in a quest to try and analyze which things in live we actually want so we could formulate a plan to achieve them.</span>
Carl Jung was the Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist who founded analytic psychology. His work has been influential in psychiatry and in the study of religion, literature, and related fields.
You could make an invention that would persuade people to cut down waste.