<span>While the location of the battlefront was constantly shifting over the course of the conflict, the major battle line of the Western Front, including the battles of the Somme, Verdun, and other major conflict sites, was drawn through the countries listed in answer two: "France and Germany."</span>
The answer is operant conditioning.
Operant conditioning is an approach to learning psychology which intends to understand to movation behind individual behaviour. Is states that people are more likely to repeat an action when it is reinforced.
In the example, you continue visiting the vending machine because your behaviour is positively reinforced, whch means you get a reward after a certain action is completed.
it's wrong question u have to also say about in how much percentage
Answer: Performer and audience
What most film directors, script writers and editors focus on is how the performers can catch the attention of the audience. When there is no communication between the performers and the audience there would be no movies. So it all lies on the how the performers performs and if the audience would learn or enjoy it.
Answer: The home of people living in poor urban neighborhood is not always classy because they are managing life and not satisfied with the type of lifestyle they live. The reason is because there is no much fund to get them that sophisticated properties to help make life easier for them. Unlike their counterparts in urban middle class, they live in more urbanized area and have every opportunity to a good job which can fetch them the cash to put certain modern equipment in their home and make life more easier for them.