Telling the truth can be very helpful for you and for future situations. Lying can get you into a lot of trouble. Little lies can also turn into big lies that never end. Even if it is hard to tell the truth in some stressful situations, you should. It will make people think of you as a trustworthy and loyal person. Some people might think that its ok to tell a little lie to not be hurtful. You can still tell the truth and phrase it in a way that won't be hurtful. Its selfish to lie in any situation.
The type of irony found in this excerpt is: situational irony.
Situational irony is a literary device consisting of leading the reader to believe a certain event / ending will take place and then unexpectedly changing the outcome.
The author describes Chef Kylie's dishes in detail. Readers get to know that his most acclaimed dishes all consist of meat - lots and lots of meat. With such a description, it is ironic for the author to, all of a sudden, reveal that the chef is actually a vegetarian. Most readers probably do not see it coming at all. Who would expect a vegetarian to used so much meat in their own cooking? Why would a vegetarian cook something they do not eat themselves? Readers are thus shocked by this revelation, and that is where the situational irony lies.
Seventeen-year-old Hazel Grace Lancaster reluctantly attends a cancer patients' support group at her mother’s behest. Because of her cancer, she uses a portable oxygen tank to breathe properly. In one of the meetings she catches the eye of a teenage boy, and through the course of the meeting she learns the boy’s name is Augustus Waters. He's there to support their mutual friend, Isaac. Isaac had a tumor in one eye that he had removed, and now he has to have his other eye taken out as well. After the meeting ends, Augustus approaches Hazel and tells her she looks like Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta. He invites Hazel to his house to watch the movie, and while hanging out, the two discuss their experiences with cancer. Hazel reveals she has thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs. Augustus had osteosarcoma, but he is now cancer free after having his leg amputated. Before Augustus takes Hazel home, they agree to read one another’s favorite novels. Augustus gives Hazel The Price of Dawn, and Hazel recommends An Imperial Affliction.Hazel explains the magnificence of An Imperial Affliction: It is a novel about a girl named Anna who has cancer, and it's the only account she's read of living with cancer that matches her experience. She describes how the novel maddeningly ends midsentence, denying the reader closure about the fate of the novel’s characters. She speculates about the novel’s mysterious author, Peter Van Houten, who fled to Amsterdam after the novel was published and hasn’t been heard from since.A week after Hazel and Augustus discuss the literary meaning of An Imperial Affliction, Augustus miraculously reveals he tracked down Van Houten's assistant, Lidewij, and through her he's managed to start an email correspondence with the reclusive author. He shares Van Houten's letter with Hazel, and she devises a list of questions to send Van Houten, hoping to clear up the novel’s ambiguous conclusion.