THE ANSWER IS: <span>revivalsRevivals were religious meetings that increased people's interest in religion. Religious revivals took place throughout the United States
The answer is - within 21 days
Stress: In psychology, the term "stress" is described as an individual's feeling of physical or emotional tension. Therefore, stress can come from any thought or event that can make an individual feel nervous, frustrated, or angry. Significantly, stress is considered as an individual's bodily reaction towards a specific demand or challenge. However, stress can be "positive" as well, for example, when it helps a person to avoid danger.
Signs: Headaches, problem sleeping, dizziness, etc.
In the question above, the given statement represents the "emotional" component.
<span> The fact that both Gerard, who</span><span> stays at home and cares for his two children and Emma</span><span><span>, who is a junior partner at a law firm and works
full-time</span> believe that the roles they have chosen
allow them to put their respective capabilities to optimal use means their
beliefs align with the </span>functionalist perspective.
The functionalist theory of gender inequality suggests that gender inequalities exist as an efficient way to create a division of labor.
Answer:Even though as a single father, Jerome is more likely to have home-work conflicts than Marie, the perception that family life is unlikely to interfere with men's job commitment may still make Jerome a more attractive candidate to employers.
Explanation:Usually kids are seen as the woman's responsibility and not as man's and that is based on what society has established as norms. So it is likely that even if a man has kids may still be considered more.