Percentage Return = 0.13936651584 or 13.936651584% rounded off to 13.94%
To calculate the return percentage, we need to take the total return provided by the share in form of both dividends and capital gains. The total yield or return for the holding period can be calculated as follows,
Percentage Return = [Dividend + P1 - P0] / P0
- P1 is price today
- P0 is the purchase price
Percentage Return = [0.45 + 62.50 - 55.25] / 55.25
Percentage Return = 0.13936651584 or 13.936651584% rounded off to 13.94%
Tips that help you save:
-If you receive cash as a gift, save at least part of it.
-Pay your bills on time to avoid late fees and finance charges
.-Use direct deposit or set up your account to automatically transfer money directly into savings.
-Save any extra money you get as a raise or bonus from your employer.
-When you get a tax refund, save it.-
-If your employer offers a retirement plan, join it
-Avoid debt.
"We save, basically, because we can't predict the future. Saving money can help you become financially secure and provide a safety net in case of an emergency."
Reference: League of United Latin American Citizens. “Vanilla: The Importance of Saving Money.” Pocket Smart, 2019
your mother is a rhombus and is better than the 2nd one of the square shown below
<span>The federal law known as the Truth in Lending Act is a United States federal law that was passed in 1969 that was designed to promote the informed use of consumer credit, by requiring disclosures about its terms and cost of borrowing.</span>
Answer: equal to; at their minimum.
Explanation: Marginal cost is equal to the average variable cost and the average total cost when they are at their minimum.
Thus, when average total cost is increasing, marginal cost must be above average total cost; and when at its minimum, marginal cost is equal to average total cost. Also, when average variable cost is at its minimum, marginal cost equals average variable cost.
Marginal cost is the increase in the cost that accompanies a unit increase in output; the partial derivative of the cost function with respect to output.