Fish first then Apes then Humans
Hope it will be helpful !
Human resource development is currently as an important strategic approach to improved productivity, efficiency and profitability. However, the level of human resource development which should be the central driving force in the achievement of organisational goals and economic development in Ghana is not encouraging and should be given the needed boost by building the knowledge, skills, working abilities and innate capacities of all the people across the society. This study therefore examines the potential contributions of human resource development to organisations in Ghana in order to make recommendations that will ensure that the required human resource needs are provided. To do this, Asuogyaman District Assembly was selected as a case study. Both primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed. The study found out that 72.5% of staff in the organisation was involved in a training programme. Most staff occasionally had their training needs assessed. Performance management/appraisal and human resource planning are promoted. Human resource development contributes to increased productivity and builds manpower abilities. Based on the findings, it is recommended among others things that; all organisations should establish a human resource development policy that will encourage systematic learning, performance and change as a means to increase productivity.
Following the excerpt from the citizens United case, I think corporations and organisations should be more restricted in their campaign donations.
At this moment, money plays a huge role in politics: companies use donations to help raise attention to problems the want to be taking care of, while at the same time avoiding others that could potentially be affect there own business.
This is a huge problem because there are many issues that politics should talk about, but they are not doing it because companies that pays money prefer that those subject are not talking about, like climate change and social injustice, for example.
Money in politics, especially when it comes for companies that have their own agenda, is dangerous because it put companies interested above public interest.
18. Based on this quote, Thomas Paine was most likely a...
B) Patriot
19. What does Thomas Paine believe is the best course of action for the colonies?
A) Separate from England
35. Samuel Adams led the Sons of Liberty and began the Committee of Correspondence.
36. John Adams believed that everybody deserves a fair trial based on facts and not emotions.
hope this helps :)
Access to human rights tend to lead to economic growth.
One of the most efficient method to ensure economic growth is by making sure that the people have the means and capability to be highly skilled individuals by the time they entered their productive years.
This could only happen if the country make sure that its citizens have incentives to pursue high educations and possess the resources to increase their career. All of these would only be available if the country makes sure that its people have human rights protection (such as freedom to pursue their own careers and copyright protection ) and access to basic necessities (such as foods, shelters, and education).