Option 4: Colonies took advantage of the war's distraction and fought for independence.
Napoleon quickly took control of the Iberian Peninsula. With Napoleon's occupation in Spain, Spanish Creoles in Latin America were questioning their alliance.
You must read the directions, because I will not do your homework for you.
In getting the job done or doing your task as an employee, it is advisable to focus your time in working the tasks that has been given to you or to get the job done. It is only professional to not deal with person's feelings during at time of work because it is an ethical way to do because your job is to work and not to meddle with other people's feeling. It is only applicable to worry about them if you aren't working and if you're on a break.
Answer: C. Sympathetic nervous system
Explanation: The sympathetic nervous system is a part of the involuntary or autonomic nervous system, this is the system in the body that regulates the blood pressure, body temperature, pupil dilation, sweating and all the involuntary actions. It helps adjust the body fast enough to take action or react to stimuli without consciousness. When in the face of danger, let say for example, a snake coming towards you, a car coming towards you or hearing disturbing sounds in the dark. You next action or respond will be either to stand and fight or run away, The system responsible for that action (fight or flight) is the sympathetic nervous system.