The correct answer is the following one:
<em>Architecture and Construction:</em> "quality assurance inspector";
<em>Manufacturing:</em> "sewing machine operator";
<em>Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources:</em> "geologist", "farm labor contractor", "animal trainer", and "carpenter";
<em>Energy:</em> "electrician" and "wind turbine engineer".
It is important to emphasize the fact that the cluster of "quality assurance inspector" could be placed on other careers for it is compatible to other works and areas, although it more common to have that on the Architecture and Construction field. The "wind turbine cluster" could also be related to the "Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources" field, but it is more precise to state that is a work for electrical engineers, however they need to have a Natural Resources department in their energy companies and subsidiaries. All the other options are tied to their specific working fields, for each of them develops something different and important in a way for society.