The difference of their speeds is 1.3 mph because Andrew was walking 4.5 mph and Jill was walking 3.2mph.
Predictor variable: proximity from primary residence to farmland (in miles) outcome variable: animal rights opinion (scale from 0-50) correlation coefficient is the appropriate inferential statistic.
What is a predictor and response variable?
- Response or dependent variables are the variables that are of interest in an experiment and are measured or observed.
- Predictor, explanatory, or independent variables are any additional factors in the experiment that may be controlled or assessed by the researcher and have an impact on the answer.
What is a predictor variable example?
In personnel selection, for example, predictors such as qualifications, relevant work experience, and job-specific abilities (e.g., computer competence, ability to speak a certain language) may be used to estimate an applicant's future job performance.
Is a predictor variable dependent or independent?
- The risk factors and confounders are referred to as the predictors, or explanatory or independent variables, whereas the outcome variable is also known as the response or dependent variable.
- The independent variables are designated by "X" while the dependent variable is denoted by "Y" in regression analysis.
Learn more about predictor variable
Given P is T, q is F and r is F.
Let us find p ↔ q first.
↔ is called bi-conditional operator and is true when p and q both are matched.
Since here p is T and q is F, p↔q is F. ( Since p and q are not matching)
~p v r = ~T v F = F v F = F
Hence (p↔q)→(~pvr) = F → F = T (Since conditional operator → is false if and if first proposition is T and second proposition is F, for all other values it is T)
Step-by-step explanation:
Total meat in the recipe he wants to use = 7 pounds
Beef : pork = 3 : 1
Total pork that he will use = x 7 pounds
= 7/4 pounds
hope this helps