The correct answer is Genrals. Sundiata of Mali put generals in charge of provinces.
Sundiata is presented as a great administrator who developed the trade, the exploitation of gold and new techniques, such as the introduction of cotton cultivation. He organized politically and administratively the subject towns, implanting a solid military organization: the heads of their armies were installed as provincial governors.
Sundiata, in addition to his warrior conquests, is known for his wisdom and tolerance, which allowed the peaceful coexistence of Islam and animism in his empire.
Answer: make (something) visible or bright by shining light on it; light up.
Islam regulates, apart from beliefs, also everyday life and customs. For example, it restricts what you can eat (halal) and effectively ensures that you will most likely eat with fellow Muslims (you're unlikely to eat non-halal food with non-believers).
It also regulates your day, requiring you to pray five times a day - this has a big influence on people's everyday life.