An effect of the discovery of the New World in the late fifteenth century was a global exchange of plant life as different plants were transported to America where they thriwed, but different plants were also transported back to Europe and thriwed there as well.
Jews, homosexuals and Gypsies.
Civilization is any complex society by the development to the social and symbolic systems of communication.
Civilization are associated with and often further defined by the social political including of the human and other specialization.
- Civilization contrasts with non centralized tribal societies the including of culturing societies contrasts with cultures found within civilizations themselves.
- Civilization concentrates power extending human control over the rest of nature including over the human being.
- Civilization is generally associated with the final stage of the revolution in the process of state formation is they development associated with the governing.
- Civilization have the different settlements patterns from other societies have a more complex political structure state societies.
- Civilization with complex social hierarchies and organized institutional governments,and display the more complex patterns.
- Civilization developed money medium of exchange of increasingly complex transactions,developed many other diverse cultural traits.
- Civilization is also spread by the technical material and social dominance that civilization lives in the broadest cultural identity.
- Civilization as the complex system can be seen networks defined by the economic,political and diplomatic interactions.
Answer: Believed it went against law of nature
Voltaire argued that religious intolerance was against the law of nature and was worse than the “right of the tiger” (1763) Towards the end of his long life Voltaire took the courageous stand of defending a Protestant family against religious intolerance and legal persecution.