Answer:d) information-processing theory
Explanation: According to Information processing theory our mind works like a computer in how it process the information we receive it doesn't just respond to stimuli.
This theory state that our thought operate like how the computer receive input, process it and deliver it as an output. We also receive information through our senses, use our brain to process it as we make the meaning of it and our response is an output.
My apologies, I couldn't think of one on the top of my head but I found this funny meme.
Multinational entreprises are attracted to regional trading groups because they are good sources for raw material.
Multinational enterprises can find in regional trading groups opportunities for their productive activity, for example, developing local markets, providing raw materials or low-cost labour. Regional trading groups in midsize emerging-market and economies are the perfect chance for MNEs to attract new customers and buy their raw materials production for low costs, decreasing their own production cost.
Protestant used the printing press to spread their beliefs and ideas across Europe, mainly through pamphlets. A typical example is the Ninety Five Theses by Martin Luther which was nail to the door of the Wittenberg Church. Reformers were able to spread out their messages to thousands more across Europe to the point of even making the spread of their idea difficult for the Catholic Church to inhibit the spread.
Writing of their messages in the vernacular was important to the Protestant reformers because they appealed to the people of all works of life such as clerics,non-clerics and common people.