So, with his own hands he carried the golden tripod to the little house where Thales lived.
Well... that escalated it was good though if this is an actual book i would read it, if you made tthis story i would still read it lol
The usage of at is the error
IN is for large spaces that can enclose (village, city, state, province, country, continent, mountain range, desert, zone, etc.)
ON is for surfaces.( street/avenue/road, most bodies of water, etc)
AT is for points ( We live at an address, at a certain point and at a certain person’s residence if just the possessive case is used to mean the residence.)
1- I live in Belgrade.
2-They live on Mulberry Street
3-I live at 199 Main Street
Conclusion: AT is a tiny point, ON is bigger, and IN is big enough to surround you.
when Gatsby first told Nick his past in chapter four, his stories were completely false. They were all created so that he would gain Nick's approval.
When attempting to decipher the meaning of a new word, it is often useful to look at what comes before and after that word. The surrounding words can give readers helpful context clues about the meaning and structure of the new word, as well as how it is used.