Having an understanding of these fundamentals will help you to determine the amount of genuine skill and effort it took to produce a particular piece of artwork. Not only this, but once you can obtain a knowledge of these basic fundementals, you will have to ability to delve into the deeper, symbolic, emotional implications of a piece of artwork.
I believe that Swift is trying to imply about being a general is that it is so demanding and time consuming that you have little to nothing, outside of being a general.
Please mark me brainliest if I am correct. Thank you and have a nice day!
The exposition. The exposition explains : setting, characters, and time period.
Is there an example you can show?
1) "... the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago... [during which] the Japanese Government has deliberately sought... [false] hope for continued peace."
2) "The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands... American ships have been reported torpedoed..., [and] yesterday the Japanese government also launched an attack against Malaya.. Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands..."
The first excerpt shows that Japan gave the US a false sense of hope by saying they are reigning in their expansions and hope to continue to have peaceful relations with the United States. The second excerpt then shows what Franklin was talking about, in that they used the 'guise of peace to backstab the US in hopes of continuing their expansion eastward.