1. B Prokaryotes lack a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
2. C glucose
Science helps the environment because it creates an understanding between human impacts and the environment. By gaining this understanding of how the natural world works, the human race will better know how to protect it. In addition, scientific research is being used to reduce the impact of global warming, adapt to climate change, clean up polluted areas, and protect our own health.
Science can be used to improve global health because it fuels discovery, informs the public on health risks and programs, and helps all people live healthier and better lives. People with physical and mental health can benefit greatly from a variety of health sciences that specialize in their specific ailment. There have also been improvements in the technology used in health such as sanitation, vaccinations, and monitoring systems. By enabling doctors to do minimally invasive surgeries and using more comfortable scanning equipment, patients spend less time recuperating and can spend more time doing what they enjoy.
It is my opinion that communication is the main way that science influences peace. Scientists from all over the world collaborate in an unbiased way to focus on one main goal, to deliver scientific breakthroughs to people regardless of religion, race and culture. Furthermore, science contributes to the social and economic development in a society (such as GDP, life expectancy, and literacy), reduction of poverty (through new was to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter), and inspires a newfound peace mindset.
Peace is a strong piece of science and, therefore, equity. Science is heavily rooted in the creation of new knowledge, the improvement of education, and the improvement of the quality of human life regardless of bias. Because of this, science can be used to research and find ways to solve pressing issues like racial and economic inequity. Learning of science in schools also has an impact on equity by teaching children the basis of our world and how to understand in order to gain skills that lead to better economic and social outcomes.
Gravitational force
Gravitational force is the force that attracts an object down to the earth. It’s also the reason why we don’t float on this planet. This force is also why anything that isn’t thrown up must come down.
In space and other planets with little or no gravitational force ,organisms float over there which makes its inhabitation by organisms very difficult.
Conception- This is when the egg and the sperm unite at conception, it is the fertilization and starts at the woman’s fallopian and the fertilized egg , First Trimester
- First four weeks of the conception-, Second Trimester- This is 3 months after conception and this is where the baby can be felt kicking and can hear,Third Trimester- 28 weeks after conception and is having breathing movements and the women would be adding some body fat. If I am wrong please let me know
Human has 4 chambers, and most reptiles have 3 chambers in their heart
your question in Romanian translated roughly What is the difference between a human and reptile circulatory system?