Powers divided between state and national governments.
Saddam Hussein was sworn in as president on 16/7/1979
When voting rights frist started only wealthy land owners were allowed to vote which was an idea that was taken from the Greek Democracy and all members of the Greeek Assembly were elected their positions by citizens that they represented and were paid for their work in the public office just like the way the U.S. elects their officials. The U.S. also took the 3 branches of government from the Greek Democracy and the citizens right to exercise political power. The Constitution was an idea taken from the Roman Republic. The Roman Republic had a list of rules called the Twelve Tables (list of rules/Roman legal system) and both the Roman & U.S. Senate's deal with foreign policies.
The first quote by Hoover shows a great example of a fixed mindset. He see's that he has tried as hard as he can given the available resources, that there is nothing more to do than watch the situation play out.
The second quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt Is an example of a growth mindset. He decides to continue with what he started. There are no current options, so he will 'tie a knot' as in keep himself involved. He will hold on to hope and monitor the situation.