Eliminate- To get rid of something or someone
Communism- a government system that controls land and resources
Transitional- temporary moves from one state to another
Single party state- a government controlled by a single political party
Troika- a ruling party of 3 people
English Civil War - The king ruled without parliament
Glorious revolution - Parliament feared the risk of a Catholic dynasty ruling England
Southern Democratic Party
Towards the 1860 Presidential election, the Democratic party was split into two between North and South forming new political parties known as Northern Democratic Party and Southern Democratic Party.
The main reason for the split was based on the issue of slavery, where the Northern part is anti-slavery, and the southern part is pro-slavery.
Hence, in this case, the correct answer is "Southern Democratic Party."
It is important because it does not balance on a yearly basis, but rather on economy cycles. This means that budget deficits and surpluses are accounted for in the budget according to what economic cycle the country is in. That's why the definition of surplus and deficit changes depending on how successful the economy is.