The pyrenoid, a dense structure inside or beside chloroplasts of certain algae, consists largely of ribulose biphosphate carboxylase, one of the enzymes necessary in photosynthesis for carbon fixation and thus sugar formation. Starch, a storage form of glucose, is often found around pyrenoids.
it would be (D) because you cant see an atom without a microscope and a model is a larger model of the actual thing.
Answer: Every person needs to have at least a simple understanding of the world in which they live, but if you don't have any factual evidence for your beliefs, then that will just confuse you and anyone else. Your ignorance can hinder a persons ability to learn whats factual, especially if you have an " I'm right and your wrong." personality.
Earth's surface didn't look much different. With few exceptions.
The global climate is cooler and drier, and seasonal, similar to modern climates. As the climate began to cool down grasslands continued to expand and forests started to dwindle in extent. In the seas, kelp forests made their first appearance and soon became one of Earth's most productive ecosystems. Water from the Atlantic Ocean poured in through the Strait of Gibraltar to deluge the Mediterranean Basin. The event is called the Zanclean flood. Parts of of southern Norway and southern Sweden that had been near sea level rose to form the Hardangervidda plateau and the South Swedish highlands.
Shorty after, the glaciations, uplift of the Rocky mountains and Panama seaway closure began to reshape the Earth.