Anchoveta feed on large zooplankton whereas sardines feed mainly on phytoplankton. Use this information to suggest why sardine numbers are less
likely to collapse during an El Niño event?
Reason why sardine are less likely to collapse during an El Nino event is as a result of sardine survival is neither dependent on zooplankton nor anchoveta rather sardine is dependent on phytoplankton which is not scarce
The answer is; B
As air cools, its capacity to hold moisture reduces. This is is why as warm humid air cools, it reaches a saturation point, and the water moisture begins to form droplets. These droplets form clouds in the atmosphere.
1 is C - see first attachment. Genotypes with Y's represent males, and big R represents red eyes, while little r represents white eyes. For example XRxr is a heterozygous (red-eyed) female, and XrYr is a homozygous white-eyed male.
2 is B because the absence of functional proteins and some ribosomes due to the mRNA strand is not as detrimental as the loss of the entire cell.
3 is B. (The insertion of 3 base pairs into a genetic sequence is the length of a single codon, meaning that only one amino acid in the entire polypeptide was added)
It is student A .
It contains the study of plants and soil
The answer is hematoma. Uncertainty a postpartum woman has severe perineal pain notwithstanding use of bodily ease measures and treatment, the nurse must check for a hematoma by examining and palpating the part. If one is found, the nurse required to notify the main care provider as soon as possible.