From fertilization and to the end of the second week.
The development of the fetus is divided into three periods, established by most embryologists: pre-embyonic period, which goes from fertilization to the second week of development, embryonic period, which goes from the third week to the eighth week, and the fetal period, which goes from from the third month until the end of pregnancy.
The pre-embyonic stage begins at fertilization and remains until gastrulation. By the end of the second week the embryo already has the neural tube formed, although it is still open at both ends.
It should be thirty minutes three times a week for it to be beneficial. But if you want to go with a stronger goal, it should be four to five times a week.
Hello! You can increase your awareness of hereditary diseases by educating yourself on different diseases. It never hurts to search the internet for credible sources about these kinds of diseases, the symptoms of them, and how they are treated. Knowing about them can help you understand why others get those diseases and how they continue to live happy, productive, normal lives.