The smaller the load a river has the more sediment it can carry. TRUE.
Isoleucine, Ieucine, lysine, and methionine are all present in beef.
To measure the diameter of a organelle with a scale line of 1 µm.
- Measure the length of the scale line on the micrograph in mm, e.g. 1 µm = 17mm.
- Measure the diameter of the organelle in millimetres, e.g. = 60mm.
- True diameter of organelle.
<h3>How do you find the actual size of an organelle?</h3>
To calculate the actual size of a magnified specimen, the equation is simply Mixed6 :
Actual = Image size (with ruler) ÷ Magnification.
Thus, this is how we can measure the size of an organelle.
To learn more about organelle click here:
If its a dominant allele 75%
if its recessive allele 25%
thats what i was always taught i hope this helps some :)